A River for Christmas

Merry Christmas!


The year is winding down and the time has come to dust off our annual Christmas card to you. This video may not be the most polished you have ever seen, but it always brings a smile to my face every time I watch it. When I hear the crackling fire and the sound of my boots crunching snow I am transported back to that magical Christmas by the river. I can feel the sting of the wind-blown snow on my cheeks and the biting cold on my fingertips as the memories of this celebration of the season come rushing back.

8-years have come and gone since we first shared this Christmas greeting with you, our Royal Treatment Family. We hope you enjoy revisiting this special place and we look forward to sharing more adventures with all of you in the New Year. May the blessings of the Christmas season warm your heart, and may you all receive a River for Christmas.

A very Merry Christmas with peace, health, 
and happiness in the New Year! 
The Royal Treatment Family
Joel&Kellie, Josh, Nick, Corey, Dave, and Sallyx2


A River for Christmas (Director's cut) from Joel La Follette on Vimeo.

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