Project Healing Waters ~Nestucca 2024

No better words could capture the truth of just how much healing can be found on the water; as anglers, we are ever grateful that fish live in beautiful places, as we know the healing power found on the water. When life tilts off balance and everything feels like it’s spinning out of control, we secure our reset with a rod in hand. Fishing is a place to restore peace and attain a much-longed-for, soul-soothing pause. 
There is a powerful, difficult-to-describe, heartfelt emotion when people from all walks of life unite together to serve as a thank you to those we respect. Project Healing Waters, established in 2005, helps bring community and connection to veterans and, ultimately, to every participant involved. It is a great honor to give back to these veterans through volunteerism, and we look forward to welcoming the PHWFF event at Nestucca/Pacific City each year. 
For over a decade, the Nestucca PHWFF event has been held in August, always with the hope of catching a Sea-run Cutthroat or maybe a Salmon. Last year, while we saw many salmon rolling and jumping around us, the weather was warm; the sunshine was hot on the water. There just weren’t a lot of opportunities for the targeted species. We worked hard to push the date this year to possibly up our fishing odds, & secure cooler weather. While overcast clouds were predicted for September 9, brilliant sunshine and baby blue skies shown above us throughout the day. I believe the saying is, “We plan, and God laughs”? And unlike last year, we didn’t see a single salmon; nope, not even one shiny fish rolling, happily jumping, or nearly body slamming into the side of our boat, temptingly teasing an anxious angler. Everything seemed quiet as our determined group swung and stripped the waters for hours on end. While several smaller trout were caught by many in the group, no one ever saw the seemingly elusive salmon. 
Feeling a bit frustrated, we continued to cruise the channel, and one common denominator was definitely observed: smiles and great conversation. Frankly, the fishing sucked, yet everyone was having a good time together. Soaking in the sounds of water lapping up on the boat while watching the masterful Belted King Fisher work his beat, I think I exhaled for the first time all morning, remembering a dose of my own medicine I regularly preach: that this whole thing we do- fishing- it’s called that for a reason, and not catching. Actually, catching ends up being icing on a big homemade cake, and sometimes, well….usually, Mother Nature has other things in mind. 
As the hours went on, everyone remained light-hearted, swapping stories of their friends and family along with favorite fishy tales; we smiled together about how good it felt to just be out on the water feeling relaxed on such a beautiful, peaceful day. No politics, no religion, a perfect place to calm the voices in our heads. Just people, reconnecting in Nature, wetting a fly line with a little hope in our hearts. 
THIS is why we fish. 
See you again next year!
Jennifer La Follette
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