Special ZOOM Presentation ~ Vintage Hardy Reels

You should know by now that my lovely wife, Jennifer, is a recognized expert on vintage Hardy fly reels. Her collection is quite extensive, and her knowledge of the subject is awe-inspiring. When we first met, she almost immediately asked if I owned any vintage Hardys, an inquiry I later learned had more meaning than I could have known at the time. She is fascinated by the skills of the master craftsmen employed to build these pieces of angling gear and the uniqueness of each. You see, long before assembly line production, each reel was handcrafted and genuinely different. While the differences may be slight, it is the maker's signature carried over a hundred years in some cases.
I began to look at my family's treasured collection of Hardys in a new light and started down the slippery path of seeking out vintage reels to add to my collection and enjoy using on the stream. You see, even though these reels are in some cases over a hundred years old, Jennifer and I enjoy fishing with them. Allowing them to carry on the tradition they were crafted for, letting voices from the past continue to tell their story.
While I still have much to learn, I have proven to be a good student and enjoy finding unique reels that fill a need. I still prefer my collection of modern reels for most of my adventures, but stepping back in time once in a while with a reel built in the 1920s matched to a bamboo rod crafted this year is pretty cool. Jennifer is much more dedicated and has been slower to adopt more current offerings, but she, too, is learning. Even modern reels carry the influence of makers from the past.
Join us on Saturday, November 27th, at 10:30 AM, as Jennifer shares her passion for these functional works of art in a special Zoom Presentation entitled Vintage Hardy Reels: An Introduction to Finding and Fishing Classic Treasures.
Click this ZOOM LINK to join the presentation on Saturday, November 27th, at 10:30 AM PDT. Not now, silly, SATURDAY! The 27th!