The Great Pumpkin
30 Oct 2019
Some of you might know that Josh Linn, "The Fly Czar" is out this week and next chasing unicorns on some river in the Pacific Northwest. So the secret is this river that Josh doesn’t even know which one it is. Anyways, because I miss my little buddy so much I bought a pumpkin and wrote Josh’s name on it, Pumpkin Josh was born. So if you feel that you need to come in and see Josh 3.0, our newest employee, I promise that this version talks back a whole lot less, and is a great listener. I’ve left a sharpie marker next to Pumpkin Josh in the shop so anyone can stop by and write a note on the pumpkin for the real Josh when he returns in a few weeks.
This last weekend I decided to head back to the east side with a couple of friends and because its the start of the holiday season and being in the spirit I invited Pumpkin Josh to join us. Being Josh, he jumped right in the boat no problem and soon became our guide. Pumpkin Josh helped with our fly choices and even waded a few runs alongside us. Kevin, one of the other guys on the float enjoyed the companionship, especially since regular Josh trash talks him on most tips. All-in-all our new guide put us in the best runs and we were able to bring three Steelhead to hand. This shows that fishing continues to be productive for Steelhead on the east-side streams. It is fall with winter knocking on the door, so make sure you pack several warm layers. Pumpkin Josh isn’t booking any trips at the moment, we’re still having trouble with the Marine Board giving a pumpkin a guide license, but we have lots of wonderful humans that will gladly take you out, just check the Guide Shack on our website.
All Joking aside, fishing has been good over on the Deschutes for Trout and Steelhead. The water is getting much cooler with air temperature dipping down into the 20’s at night. This might be the time to start switching to sink tips over the classic dryline technique as fish become more lethargic. Nymphing for trout will continue to be your best bet, but you might find some fish looking up in the afternoon for BWO’s or October Caddis.
Today, October 31st. is the last day that the coastal rivers are open for trout, same for the upper Clackamas and Sandy Rivers, but fear not, parts of the Deschutes, Metolius and Crooked River will stay open year-round. It feels like Fall, but soon the Winter chill will start to bite bare skin and we’ll be complaining about those short days. Get out there now and enjoy the best part of this season.
This last weekend I decided to head back to the east side with a couple of friends and because its the start of the holiday season and being in the spirit I invited Pumpkin Josh to join us. Being Josh, he jumped right in the boat no problem and soon became our guide. Pumpkin Josh helped with our fly choices and even waded a few runs alongside us. Kevin, one of the other guys on the float enjoyed the companionship, especially since regular Josh trash talks him on most tips. All-in-all our new guide put us in the best runs and we were able to bring three Steelhead to hand. This shows that fishing continues to be productive for Steelhead on the east-side streams. It is fall with winter knocking on the door, so make sure you pack several warm layers. Pumpkin Josh isn’t booking any trips at the moment, we’re still having trouble with the Marine Board giving a pumpkin a guide license, but we have lots of wonderful humans that will gladly take you out, just check the Guide Shack on our website.
All Joking aside, fishing has been good over on the Deschutes for Trout and Steelhead. The water is getting much cooler with air temperature dipping down into the 20’s at night. This might be the time to start switching to sink tips over the classic dryline technique as fish become more lethargic. Nymphing for trout will continue to be your best bet, but you might find some fish looking up in the afternoon for BWO’s or October Caddis.
Today, October 31st. is the last day that the coastal rivers are open for trout, same for the upper Clackamas and Sandy Rivers, but fear not, parts of the Deschutes, Metolius and Crooked River will stay open year-round. It feels like Fall, but soon the Winter chill will start to bite bare skin and we’ll be complaining about those short days. Get out there now and enjoy the best part of this season.
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