Tyer's Table with Stephen Genrich

Summertime is terrestrial time; beetles and ants are the go-to patterns for the warmer months when chasing hungry Trout. Our friend, Stephen Genrich, takes a seat at the Tyer's Table to share his Beetle and Ant patterns as he prepares for a Yellowstone trip where Cutthroat simply love terrestrials. 

Stephen Genrich is a passionate angler who embarked on his fly fishing journey just over two years ago. His dedication to the sport is evident in the fact that he has fished for more than 200 days since he first cast his line. Stephen's adventure in fly fishing took an unexpected turn early on when he broke his leg on just his third day of fishing. During his recovery at home, he discovered a new passion for fly tying, which has only deepened his connection to the sport.

While Stephen has a special fondness for the local waters, you'll often find him casting his line anywhere between the coastal rivers and the Deschutes River in search of steelhead. His fishing travels have been diverse and exciting, from chasing tarpon in the Florida Keys to targeting brown trout in California. He's also ventured to Northern Idaho for Westslope cutthroat and made sure to catch the Lahontan cutthroat at Pyramid Lake in Nevada. Stephen's enthusiasm and adventurous spirit make him a dynamic presence in the angling community.

Please join us on Saturday, August 31st from 10:30 to 1:00 as Beetles and Ants are the subject of this Tyer's Table.

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