Over 20 years ago I sat on the banks of the Deschutes River in central Oregon taking in the beauty of a cool fall morning. I had just released my second wild summer steelhead of the day as the sun was clearing the canyon wall. Steam rose off the water and the leaping fish had made the vapors billow as she splashed down. The battle done, I now sat and enjoyed the sunrise recounting the morning. In my hand was a fly born from my vise the night before. It had no name yet, so in honor of the morning’s events I dubbed it the Royal Treatment.
That simple inspiration has become more than a very effective steelhead pattern, it has become a way of doing business. Treat everyone like a friend and enjoy every day and all its blessings.
I hope you find our service and dedication to your angling needs to be equal to that magical morning. You too deserve the Royal Treatment.
Changing the World, One Angler at a Time